Aeranthos Negra (5-6")
Aeranthos x Leonamiana (4-5")
Albida Minor (3-4")
Andreana (2-3") Enhanced
Baileyi (6-7") (Psuedo)
Bartramii (6-8")
Brachycaulos (7-8"+)
Brachycaulos (5-6")
Bulbosa Guatemala (4-5")
Capitata Guzmanoides 5-6" (Enhanced)
Capitata Magenta (3") (Enhanced)
Capitata Raspberry (4-5) (Enhanced)
Capitata Peach (2-3") Enhanced
Caput-Medusae (6-7")
Caput-Medusae Striped White (4-5")
Funckiana 3-4"
Gardneri Small (3-4")
Glabrior (3")
Ionantha Druid XL (3.5-4")
Ionantha Fuego LG (2-3")
Ionantha Lilac (Enhanced)
Ionantha Raspberry Rubra 2-3"
Ionantha Scaposa 2-3"
Ionantha Yellow Large (Enhanced)
Ionantha Rubra Curly
Juncea (10-12")
Juncea Red Variegated 6-8"
Juncea Giant (18")
Paleacea (5-6")
Recurvifolia Burgundy 4"
Recurvifolia Terracotta (2-3")
Schiedeana White XL
Seleriana X Streptophylla 6" with a bud
Streptophylla XS (ultra curly)
Stricta Houston Pink 3-4"
Stricta Big Flower
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Subtotal:$000 CAD
Hantechn - Kneeling Pad
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6261 Hammond Bay RdNanaimo, BC V9T 5M4
Retail Garden Centre Hours
Every Day 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Wholesale Nursery Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 4:30PMNot open to the public, Check in at the Office When Visiting