Peas - Sugar Lace II
Beans - Windsor
Cosmos - Mini Cosmos Blend
Pumpkins - Big Max
Parsnips - Gladiator
Mustard - Komatsuna Green
Lettuce - Simpson Elite
Beans - Matilda
Sweet Peas - Butterfly Blend
Tomatoes - La Roma
Tomatoes - Pink Bumble Bee - Certified Organic
Swiss Chard - Rhubarb
Spinach - New Zealand Spinach
Rutabagas - Helenor Certified Organic
Pumpkins - Jack of All Trades
Onions - Ailsa Craig
Lettuce - Salad Bowl - Red
Kale - Winter Blend
Beets -Early Wonder Tall Top
Nasturtium - BP Nasturtium Mix
Pea - Sugar Ann Sugar Snap
Lawn Solutions - Micro-Clover - Pelleted
Onion - Spring - White Lisbon (ST)
Sweet Peas - Fire And Ice Mix
Cilantro - Slow-Bolt Cilantro
Lobelia - Lobelia Crystal Palace
Rosemary - Rosemary
Asclepias - Butterfly Milkweed
Lettuce - Iceberg
Kale - Kale Lacinato Dinosaur - Organic
Clover - Micro Clover & Tall Fescue Hardy Lawn
Peas - Dwarf Grey Sugar
Corn - Bodacious
Mint - Spearmint
Onions - Zebrune
Kale - Redbor (Coated)
Fennel - Selma Fino
Cucumber - Cucumber Mercury
Celery - Tall Utah 52-70
Beet - Beet Chioggia
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Subtotal:$000 CAD
Hantechn - Kneeling Pad
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Customer Care
Visit Us
6261 Hammond Bay RdNanaimo, BC V9T 5M4
Retail Garden Centre Hours
Every Day 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Wholesale Nursery Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 4:30PMNot open to the public, Check in at the Office When Visiting