Onions - Eiffel
Carrots - Little Fingers
Evergro Chafer & Drought Lawn Seed Mix
Cucumber - Chelsea Prize Cucumber
Carrots - Resistafly
Lawn Solutions - Alternative Lawn Blend/Mix
Tomatoes - San Marzano Lampadina 2 - Organic
Cucumbers - Mini-Me F1 - Organic
Nasturtium - Jewel Mix
Lupins - Russell Hybrids
Tomatoes - Supersweet
Squash - Sunburst
Radishes - Cherriette
Beets - Beet Blend
Basil - Dolly - Certified Organic
Tomatoes - Early Girl
Peppers - Jalapeno M
Lettuce - Tom Thumb
Cover Crops - Fall Rye
Wildflower Mix
Peas - Sugar Daddy
Onion - Bunching Evergreen - Organic
Carrot - Carrot Scarlet Nantes
Beans - Kentucky Blue
Beans - Masai
Radishes - Easter Egg II Blend
Cucumbers - Homemade Pickles
Snapdragon - Rainbow Mix
Zinnias - Giant Blue Point Formula
Carrots - Bolero (Pelleted)
Sweet Peas - Old Spice Blend
Foxglove - Purple Foxglove
Echinacea - Purple Coneflower
Basil - Lettuce Leaf
Peppers - Black Magic Jalapeno Certified Organic
Onions - Parade - Certified Organic
Cucumbers - Tasty Emperor
Cucumbers - Artist Gherkin
Beets - Detroit Supreme
Country Green - Seed & Sod Starter
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Subtotal:$000 CAD
Hantechn - Kneeling Pad
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Customer Care
(250) 758-0944info@greenthumbgardencentre.com
Visit Us
6261 Hammond Bay RdNanaimo, BC V9T 5M4
Retail Garden Centre Hours
Every Day 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Wholesale Nursery Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 4:30PMNot open to the public, Check in at the Office When Visiting