Evolve - Seedling Starter
Growell Pea Gravel
Scotts - Roundup Advanced - Ready to Use
Chelated Iron - 7%
Orgunique - Kelp Boost 0-0-3
Falling Leaf - Seaweed Extract 1-2-5
Orgunique - Orchid Food 2-3-2
GardenPRO - Muriate of Pot
Dogwood - Moss Control 9-3-6
Pro Mix - Root Booster
MyGarden Liquid Fertilizer 15-5-5 Orchid
Evolve - ROOT #1 Rooting Powder - Soft
Alaska Morbloom
Country Green - Lawn Food 15-2-3
GardenPRO - Granular Kelp
Orgunique - Humik
Safer's - Insecticidal Soap - Ready to Use
Evolve - ROOT #2 Rooting GEL - Semi-Hard
Safer's Trounce - Yard & Garden Ready To Use
GardenPRO - Epsom Salts
GardenPRO - Perennial & Vine 8-12-16 + micro
GardenPRO - Super Phosphate 0-45-0
Jack's Classic Hydrangea Blue 7-3-3
Orgunique - Fruit & Berry 2-1-2
Safer's - Tomato & Vegetable Insecticide - Ready to Use
Wilson - Hornet & Wasp Foam 1 Shot
Evolve - ROOT #1 Rooting GEL - Soft
Evolve - Tree & Shrub 6-2-2
Evolve - Fruit & Berry
Jack's Classic African Violet 12-36-17
Dogwood - All Purpose 6-8-6
Falling Leaf - Blooms
Orgunique - Cactus & Succulent 2-5-5
Evolve - Bloom Enhancer 1-2-1
Evolve - All Purpose 3-1-2 with .4% Calcium
Your shopping list is empty
Subtotal:$000 CAD
Hantechn - Kneeling Pad
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Customer Care
(250) 758-0944info@greenthumbgardencentre.com
Visit Us
6261 Hammond Bay RdNanaimo, BC V9T 5M4
Retail Garden Centre Hours
Every Day 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Wholesale Nursery Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 4:30PMNot open to the public, Check in at the Office When Visiting